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The Best Cleaning Hacks You Might Be Doing Wrong

bigstock Cleaning Woman Sweeping Wooden

We all have our go-to cleaning routines, but what if there’s a faster, more effective way to get the job done? You may have been cleaning inefficiently your whole life without even realizing it!

Stick with these tried-and-true cleaning methods and act like you’ve known them all along—we won’t tell.

1. Use Safe and Effective Cleaning Products

A gentle yet powerful cleaner can do wonders for your home. Choosing safer cleaning products not only protects your family and pets but also ensures a thorough clean.

Quick Shine® offers a full line of Safer Choice Approved floor care products—certified for performance and safety. Check them out here.

2. Clean from Top to Bottom, Left to Right

Avoid extra work by cleaning systematically. Always start at the highest point (ceilings, shelves, or cabinets) and work your way down to the floors. Cleaning left to right ensures you don’t miss a single spot. This method prevents re-cleaning and saves you time.

3. Let Your Cleaner Sit Before Wiping

One of the biggest mistakes people make is wiping too soon! Allowing your cleaner to sit for a few minutes breaks down dirt and grime more effectively, reducing the need for scrubbing. Simply spray and move on to another task while it works its magic.

4. Do the Eye-Level Test

Think your surfaces are clean? Take a second look! Crouch down to eye level to inspect under appliances, furniture, and hidden corners. This simple trick helps ensure you don’t miss dust and buildup in overlooked areas.

5. Clean in an “S” Pattern

Whether cleaning floors, countertops, or appliances, avoid random wiping patterns. Spray your cleaner in an “S” motion to evenly distribute the product and ensure no spots are missed. Even a Fairy Godmother would approve of this trick!

6. Tackle Odors at the Source

Unpleasant smells linger in carpets, fabrics, and upholstery. Stay ahead by regularly cleaning these surfaces. Here’s how to keep your home smelling fresh:
Wash dishes and do laundry promptly
Take out the trash before it overflows
Use air-purifying plants or candles for a pleasant ambiance

What Are Your Go-To Cleaning Tips?

Do you have any expert cleaning tricks that we should know? Share your best cleaning tips in the comments below!

🛒Stock up on cleaning products here! 

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  1. Marilyn Montray
    Posted August 23, 2018 at 2:56 pm

    I purchased Quick Shine (hardwood, laminate, tile, vinyl & stone) for my terra cotta tiles to give them some shine as you come into the foyer. Before using it I had cleaned the tiles and well rinsed them. It was a rainy day, and one or two people came into the house and walked on the scatter rug then on to the tiles. I do not use salt on my walkway so there was only the slate and cement coming into the house. Unfortunately I did not pay attention and the water droplets from their shoes caused a nasty mess of areas where the Quick Shine had lifted off the tiles. I don’t know what to do now, should I try to put more Quick Shine over the whole mess and pray it covers or should I just dab where the dull spots are and pray it covers. I’m too old and feeble to get down on my hands and knees to scrub.

    Reply »
    1. Steven Quick
      Posted August 27, 2018 at 3:48 pm

      Hi Marilyn,
      You can spot treat that area with our Quick Shine Deep Cleaner. Our Deep Cleaner was specifically developed to liquefy our Finish so it does not require alot of scrubbing. Simply dilute our Deep Cleaner with HOT water and mop solution over affected area, let sit 2-3 minutes and mop away. Finish with a clean water rinse. Once the area is clean and dry, you can reapply a new coat of our Finish to even out the shine again. If you have additional questions, please contact 800-255-1891. We are always happy to help!

      Reply »

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