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How to Use Quick Shine® Deep Cleaner Like a Pro

blog how to use our quick shine deep cleaner

Are your floors in need of a refresh? If you’re ready to bring back that WOW factor, Quick Shine® Deep Cleaner/Wax Remover is here to help! Whether you need to remove old layers of floor finish or tackle years of buildup, follow our step-by-step guide for the best results and learn how to use Quick Shine Deep Cleaner like a pro.

Why Use Quick Shine® Deep Cleaner?

Quick Shine® Deep Cleaner was specifically formulated to deep clean and safely remove our Quick Shine® Floor Finish, as well as other waxes and finishes—without damaging sealed hardwood floors, polyurethane seal, or other sealed hard floor surfaces.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Quick Shine® Deep Cleaner

Follow these six simple steps to restore your floors:

1. Dilute the Deep Cleaner in HOT Water

Mix Quick Shine® Deep Cleaner in a bucket with hot water—the hotter, the better! Hot water increases the cleaner’s effectiveness for breaking down layers of finish. Small batches help keep the water hot!

2. Apply in Small Sections

Use a sponge mop or the Quick Shine® Hardwood Floor Mop to apply the solution. Work in small 5’x5’ sections to make removal and clean-up more manageable.

3. Let the Solution Sit (But Don’t Let It Dry!)

Allow the solution to sit for a few minutes to break down the finish. Caution: Do not let it dry on the floor—if it starts to dry, add a little warm water to keep the surface wet.

4. Watch for the Milky White Film

As the Quick Shine® Floor Finish lifts from your floor, it will turn into a milky white film. This indicates that the removal process is working!

5. Scrub Away the Finish

Use our microfiber scrubber pad to agitate the area. Elbow grease may be needed to remove stubborn dirt and multiple layers of finish.

6. Rinse and Repeat

Once the finish is removed, rinse the area with clean, warm water and allow it to dry before moving to the next section. Repeat steps 1-6 for the entire floor.

Extra Tips for Stubborn Build-Up

  • For heavy layers of finish, a second treatment may be necessary.
  • Increase dilution from 1 cup per gallon to 2-3 cups per gallon for a stronger cleaning solution.
  • One bottle of Deep Cleaner makes 3.5 gallons (at 1 cup per gallon), covering up to 500 square feet.

Bring Back the Shine with Quick Shine® Floor Finish

Once your floors are completely dry, apply a fresh coat of Quick Shine® Floor Finish or Quick Shine® Hardwood Floor Luster to restore their shine. Your floors will look like new again!

Need Help? Contact Us!

If you have any questions about using Quick Shine® Deep Cleaner, leave a comment below, email us, or call us at 1-800-255-1891—we’re happy to help!

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    Posted July 8, 2017 at 5:16 pm

    i can’t remove smudges left by quick shine deep cleanerl

    Reply »
    1. Steven Quick
      Posted July 10, 2017 at 9:36 am

      Hi Shirley! That indicates there is still a little bit of finish remaining on the floor and will need a second application of the Deep Cleaner to remove completely. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call our Customer Service M-F at 1-800-255-1891 from 8am-4:30pm EST. Thank you for being a great customer!

      Reply »
      1. John Thomas
        Posted April 3, 2019 at 9:43 am

        Is this a product that can be high speed buffed? Also, what process do you recommend to maintain floors on a quarterly basis?

        Reply »
        1. Steven Quick
          Posted April 3, 2019 at 12:45 pm

          Hi John,

          Our Quick Shine Deep Cleaner is a solution that you mop on and allow to sit for a few minutes before mopping back off to remove layers of our Quick Shine Finish. Contractors have often used a buffer machine to speed up the removal process, however a simple mop and bucket is all that is required. For best results, you may start with a mop, allow solution to sit for 2-3 minutes and buff away. For more information, please contact customer service at 800-255-1891. We are always happy to help!

          Reply »
  2. Niki
    Posted July 15, 2017 at 9:03 am

    How do you remove Quick Shine Floor Finish that dripped off the bottle onto a sink top?

    Reply »
    1. Steven Quick
      Posted July 17, 2017 at 9:05 am

      Hi Niki! You can remove the Quick Shine Floor Finish from a variety of surfaces with Windex or Formula 409. Apply either of these products directly onto the Quick Shine splatter and leave it on for a minute or so, and then wipe it off with a damp cloth. This method has worked for many of our consumers who needed to remove a small amount from stainless steel appliances, countertops, or tables. If you have further questions, please feel free call our Customer Service Center M-F at-1-800-255-1891 from 8am-4:30pm EST. Thank you for being a great customer!

      Reply »
  3. Lizzie
    Posted August 8, 2017 at 11:48 am

    What about using it on a stone/ceramic tile bathroom floor? It said quick shine can be used to shine these floors but the floor has looked uneven and peely and I’ve been trying hard to remove it. Wanting to buy this product to do so, but will it also work on this type of floor?

    Reply »
    1. Steven Quick
      Posted August 9, 2017 at 10:00 am

      Hi Lizzie,

      Yes, our Quick Shine Deep Cleaner will safely remove our Finish from your tile floors. This product was specifically developed to remove polymer and wax finishes without harming hardwood floors or other types of hard surface floors such as tile, vinyl, stone, marble, and laminate.

      Simply dilute the Deep Cleaner in HOT water and apply to the floor surface, let stand for a few minutes and agitate. Do small sections of the floor at a time. Then remove debris and build-up from the floor with a clear water rinse. For heavy buildup, you may need to increase the dilution of 1 cup per gallon to 3 cups per gallon. Deep Cleaner is concentrated, therefore one 27 oz. bottle will make roughly 2 gallons, which covers about 500 square feet and will not damage the sealant on hardwood floors. The Quick Shine Deep Cleaner is only available online at or by calling our Customer Service Center.

      After using our Deep Cleaner, apply two or three coats of Quick Shine Floor Finish once each coat of finish has completely dried. You will be amazed at the deep, rich, even, protective glow. You will not need to go through the removing process again if applied and maintained correctly.

      If you need further assistance please contact customer service at 800-255-1891. Thank you again for being a great customer!

      Reply »
  4. Judy
    Posted August 9, 2017 at 2:17 pm

    Will this product work on a wood surface? The Quick Shine bottle left a ring on my wood nightstand.

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    1. Steven Quick
      Posted August 9, 2017 at 3:28 pm

      Hi Judy! Yes, you can use our Deep Cleaner to remove that. You can also use WINDEX or FORMULA 409 to remove small areas of the Finish as in your situation. Apply either of these products directly onto the Quick Shine splatter and leave it on for a minute or so, and then wipe it off with a damp cloth. This method has worked for many of our consumers who needed to remove a small amount from stainless steel appliances, countertops or tables. Thank you!

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  5. Brandy
    Posted August 10, 2017 at 10:21 am

    How do you remove quick shi e floor finish frat has dried on the microfiber pad?

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    1. Steven Quick
      Posted August 10, 2017 at 2:21 pm

      Hi Brandy! You can soak the pad in a mixture of ammonia and water for about 1-2 hours. We recommend doing a half and half ratio. The ammonia should help emulsify any Floor Finish still in your microfiber pad. To prevent this from happening in the future, we recommend to rinse out the pad with HOT tap water immediately after applying the Floor Finish. Thank you!

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  6. Linda
    Posted August 15, 2017 at 9:34 pm

    We are seeing streaks after applying the finish coat on our tile floors. Do we have to start the process over and use the cleaner again? Help

    Reply »
    1. Steven Quick
      Posted August 16, 2017 at 8:28 am

      Hi Linda! A cloudy, white residue or streaks that occur after recently applied floor finish can be caused by having applied the finish to an unclean surface, not using a fresh applicator pad (if the pad was previously used to clean with), allowing foot or pet traffic on the floor before the finish has dried, or not allowing each coat to completely dry before applying additional coats.

      To correct your situation, we recommend using the Quick Shine® Deep Cleaner. It will remove all the Floor Finish safely from your floors if used properly. After using the Deep Cleaner, apply two or three coats of Quick Shine Floor Finish once each coat of finish has completely dried. You will be amazed at the deep, rich, protective glow. If applied and maintained correctly, you will not need to go through the removing process again.

      If you have further questions please feel free to call our Customer Service M-F at 1-800-255-1891 from 8am-4:30pm EST and we would be happy to help! Thank you!

      Reply »
  7. Sandra Bleakley
    Posted August 16, 2017 at 1:23 pm

    Would I be able to put the deep cleaning product in my shampooer and apply to my floor this way like shampooing carpet?

    Reply »
    1. Steven Quick
      Posted August 16, 2017 at 4:05 pm

      Hi Sandra,
      We do not recommend putting our Quick Shine Deep Cleaner in your shampooer. The Floor Finish once dried can leave hardened residue on your shampooer and possibly clog the openings. The best method for removal is a sponge mop or microfiber mop that you can frequently rinse to release the emulsified Finish. If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to call our customer service specialist at 800-255-1891.

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  8. Lillian
    Posted August 26, 2017 at 7:26 pm

    Was so happy to find the removal information. I have been using Quick Shine on my hardwood floors for around ten years, my floors have had many grandkids roller skate, ride stick horse’s, and many other things that would make a grandma cringe. However, thanks to your wonderful quick shine floor finish, I get many compliments on how my 15 year old floor looks as if I just had it redone. I love your product, however it’s time to strip the old wax and start with a new coat. Thank you again for the information and for making an awesome product. Sincerely, Lillian

    Reply »
    1. Steven Quick
      Posted August 28, 2017 at 9:09 am

      Thank you for the compliment and brand loyalty Lillian. Our Quick Shine Deep Cleaner will safely remove all those layers and bring you back down to the original floor surface. Once removed, simply apply a few new coats of Finish to give your floors a deep, rich, protective glow.

      If you need assistance please feel free to call our Customer Service M-F at 1-800-255-1891 from 8am-4:30pm EST and we would be happy to help! Thank you!

      Reply »
    2. Matthew
      Posted June 11, 2021 at 5:45 pm

      I have been using quick shine myself for years. I have read these comments about “rings” and “spots”… Look, read the instructions. You sound like idiots. If you simply drop liquid wax onto your floors and let it dry, yes, it isn’t going to look good. My wood floors have held up amazing!! Spread it evenly on clean floors and you will love the results!!! My next project is using the deep cleaner this weekend as it is now time to strip it off and start from new.

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  9. Robert Mangold
    Posted September 12, 2017 at 9:03 pm

    I just moved to a New Apartment and they used your product on the plastic wood looking floors. The floors look amazing. However when they must have applied the last coat, someone stepped on the product which must have been wet. The overall floor looks great except for a few footprints left by one of the workers. Perhaps it’s 3-4 footprints across a 15×15 foot area. What’s the best way to remedy this and I do have the floor finish product but nothing to remove the footprints? I tried some ammonia but that didn’t seem to really take them out. Any suggestions would be appreciated as I love your product.

    Reply »
    1. Steven Quick
      Posted September 13, 2017 at 8:10 am

      Hi Robert! To remove the footprints that were left in the finish, you can use our Quick Shine Deep Cleaner to correct your situation. The Deep Cleaner will safely remove the finish from the floor. After all the finish is removed and the floor has dried, you may re-apply the Floor Finish to give your floors that beautiful shine again! If you have any further questions please feel free to call our Customer Service M-F at 1-800-255-1891 from 8am-4:30pm EST. We are always happy to help!

      Reply »
  10. nancy wilk
    Posted November 17, 2017 at 12:56 pm

    I cannot find any stores that sell the deep cleaner. I used the quick shine on my floors and it made spotting marks that I cannot get up. where can I buy this product? I need asap as my floors look terrible.

    Reply »
    1. Steven Quick
      Posted November 17, 2017 at 1:15 pm

      Hi Nancy,

      We apologize for the inconvenience of not being able to purchase our Quick Shine Deep Cleaner at retail level. You can find our Quick Shine Deep Cleaner online at,, and our website at for 1-2 day delivery options.
      If you need further assistance, please contact customer service at 800-255-1891. Holloway House is a family company and we appreciate your patronage.

      Reply »

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