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What is Safer Choice?


The beginning of the year is when we tend to reflect on the past and create new goals and resolutions to better our lifestyles for the New Year. It is a fresh start for all of us. What better way to do that than to toss all those harsh chemicals and choose Safer Choice products for a healthy, happy home!

Our Quick Shine® products can make “green cleaning” an easy transition.  Our experts work hard every day to continue to make our products the best choice for your family, health, home, and environment.

What is Safer Choice?  It is a voluntary program companies can choose to participate in by specifically formulating their products to meet the rigorous criteria to earn the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Safer Choice label.  That means our products, with the Safer Choice label, have undergone extensive evaluations to be deemed both effective and safer for your families and pets!  Products with the Safer Choice label help consumers identify products with safer chemical ingredients, without sacrificing quality or performance. We have proudly been part of the Safer Choice program since 2008.

So don’t let your kids or pets run the other way…choose Safer Choice and let your family feel safer while you clean with confidence. Look for the Safer Choice label on your next shopping trip.

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  1. Phyllis Mayes
    Posted January 27, 2018 at 5:55 pm

    My cat sat and walked on the wet Quick Shined floor before it dried! If he licks his paws and backside is he going to be in danger???

    Reply »
    1. Steven Quick
      Posted January 29, 2018 at 11:47 am

      Hi Phyllis,

      Our Quick Shine products proudly wear the safer choice seal of approval which means that our products have gone through extensive testing to assure there are no toxic ingredients that can harm our pets, families or the environment. If your cat licks his paws, there will be no side effects. On another note, if you have noticed cute tiny paw prints tracked through your shiny floors, you can remedy them with our Quick Shine Deep Cleaner. Please let us know if you would like to learn more about this cleaner. You can contact customer service at 800-255-1891 for assistance. We are always happy to help!

      Reply »

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